Phương Nam Co LTD
Cung cấp Chất hoạt động bề mặt, dầu bôi trơn Korea
© 7/1/2025 - Application
SPINA DSK-900 (The oil for Polyester draw warper)

SPINA DSK-900 (The oil for Polyester draw warper)

SPINA DSK-900 is the best oil for Polyester Woven stuff, Draw waper


- Apperance(20℃) : yellow transparent liquid.

- Ionogenity : nonion,anion

- pH(11% emulsion) : 7.5±0.5

- effective component(%) : 93±1.0

- Emulsion stability : soluable transparently and stable for more than 48 hours.


- Please make by mixing well the emulsion liquid of SIPNA DSK-900 in clear water of 40-50℃.

- Please take hot water(distilled water) 250g in bowl and starting mixing,input slowly SPINA DSK-900 100g, and let become 350g totally.

- When the input of oils are completed, maintaining 40-50℃ and mix about 20min, and let become transparent stable liquid.

- Finally input water 570g and let become 920g totally and if mixing about 10min, it becomes 10% Emulsion of effective component.

- 0.7-1.0%(O.P.U) by Roller touch or Jet spray way to P.O.Y.


NET 180 Kg/Drum