Phương Nam Co LTD
Cung cấp Chất hoạt động bề mặt, dầu bôi trơn Korea
© 7/1/2025 - Application
SPINA DTS-1000 (Spinning oil for P.E.T spin draw yarn)

SPINA DTS-1000 (Spinning oil for P.E.T spin draw yarn)

SPINA SJ-800 is the spinning oil agent manufactured as derivative of fatty acid ester, Which is superior in condensing property and antistatic property,and prevents origination of fur and end breakage. Also,it is superior in lubrication and heat resistance and dispersit and is very stable emulsion,which is dissolved in water transparently.


- Good lubricating property during drawing and texturizing process.

- Optimum friction resistance of F/F and F/M.

- Good cake form and excellent drawing property.

- Best antistatic property

- Good thermal stability and non-yellowing.


- Mineral oil

- Fatty acid derivatives

- High quality alcohol ester

- Emulsifier

- Antistatic agent


- Apperance(20℃) : Yellowish clear liquid

- Activity(%) : 93±1

- pH(11% solution) : 7.0-8.0

- Ionogenity : nonion,anion

- Solubility : Greenish muddy type


SPINA DTS-1000 applied at a level of 0.6-1.0% on the weight of the yarn by kiss roller or nozzle oiling method(For the purpose of homogeneous adhesion,kiss roller is desirable)


180Kgs net weight steel drum