Phương Nam Co LTD
Cung cấp Chất hoạt động bề mặt, dầu bôi trơn Korea
© 7/1/2025 - Application
SPINA DSP-600 (Oiling agent for P.E.T oxford weft)

SPINA DSP-600 (Oiling agent for P.E.T oxford weft)

SPINA DSP-600 is the oiling agent for polyester textile fabrics and this emulsion is possible to be applied for N.S.Y and high speed W.J.L.


- Apperance(20℃) : Yellow-brown liquid

- Activity(%) : About 92

- Ionogenity : nonion,anion

- pH(11% emulsion) : 6.5-7.5

- Emulsion state : Semi-transparent type

※ This product becomes muddy or solidified during winter season. Please keep it at the normal temperature as far as possible.


Manufacture 5-20% emulsion, apply 0.5-0.8 O.P.U to undrawn yarn by roller touch or jet spray method.

        Manufacturing method of activity 10%

(1) Take distillated water 250g in the vessel, and heat it up to 40-50℃ in stirring.

(2) Add SPINA DSP-600 100g of transparent oilly shape to the distilled water.

(3) When adding of oil is completed, stir it at 40-50℃ for about 30 minutes, then it becomes semitransparent liquid.

(4) Lastly, add distilled water 570g (the normal temperature), the get the total volume 920g. When it is stirred for about 10 minutes continuously, it becomes transparent and good active component 10% emulsion


180Kgs net weight steel drum