Phương Nam Co LTD
Cung cấp Chất hoạt động bề mặt, dầu bôi trơn Korea
© 7/1/2025 - Application
SPINA DS-1046 (Oil agent for nylon pansto flat yarn)

SPINA DS-1046 (Oil agent for nylon pansto flat yarn)

SPINA DS-1046 is the oil agent for nylon pansto flat yarn. It is also good dispersion, and is dissolved in water transparently, and is a considerable stable product.


- Optimum friction resistance of F/F and F/M.

- Best antistatic property and good inter-filament cohesion.

- Good thermal stability and non-yellowing.

- High temperature stability and low volatility and no deposits on the heated surface.


- Fatty acid derivatives

- High quality alcohol ester

- Emulsifier

- Antistatic agent


- Apperance(20℃) : Yellow liquid

- Activity(%) : 95±1

- pH(11% solution) : 7.0±1.0

- Ionogenity : nonion,anion

- Emulsion stability : Dissolves transparently and is stable more than 24 hours.


- Aqueous emulsion of SPINA DS-1046 is prepared by stirring the oil into demineralized water at 20-30℃.

- The concentration of emulsion varies according to requirements ,but 10-30% active emulsion in general are applied to the undrawn filaments at the spinning process.

- Oil pick-up on the fiber in general : 1.0-3.0%.


180Kgs net weight steel drum.