Phương Nam Co LTD
Cung cấp Chất hoạt động bề mặt, dầu bôi trơn Korea
© 7/1/2025 - Application
SPINA DSN-500 (Yarn oil agent for nylon fish net)

SPINA DSN-500 (Yarn oil agent for nylon fish net)

SPINA DSN-500 is the yarn oil agent produced with strictly, selected mineral oil, which is superior in the nature of combining, lubrication and heat resistance, and produces less fumes, and also superior in the strength of netting twine. It is also good dispersion, and is dissolved in water transparently, and is a considerable stable product.


- Apperance(20℃) : Yellow,transparent liquid

- Viscosity (30℃ 11% aq.sol,n) : 1.4 - 1.8 c.S.t

- Activity(%) : 93±1

- pH(11% solution) : 6.5 - 7.5

- Ionogenity : nonion,anion

- Emulsion stability : Dissolves transparently and is stable more than 48 hours.


It can be emulsified to the desired concentration at the normal temperature(25-35℃), and shall be used by oiling with jet spray or roller touch method.


Net 180kg/Drum