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© 19/4/2024 - Application

Decline in Sebacic Acid Levels in Aging Humans and Mice Points to Altered Liver Metabolism

Introduction: Sebacic acid, a byproduct of liver metabolism through ω-oxidation, has been observed to decrease significantly in the plasma of both older humans and aged mice. This decline in Sebacic acid levels raises questions about the underlying mechanisms involved in liver metabolism during the aging process. Interestingly, this decrease is suspected to be linked to an upregulation of Sebacic acid consumption within the liver tissue, which coincides with an increase in pyruvate-to-lactate conversion. Understanding the implications of these metabolic changes could provide valuable insights into the aging process and potential interventions to maintain liver health.

Decline in Sebacic Acid Levels: Sebacic acid is a metabolic byproduct generated during ω-oxidation in the liver. It is typically found in the plasma of humans and mice. However, studies have shown a significant decline in Sebacic acid levels in both older humans and aged mice. This decline suggests an altered metabolism in the liver during the aging process. To better understand this phenomenon, researchers have investigated potential mechanisms responsible for the decrease in Sebacic acid.

Upregulation of Sebacic Acid Consumption: The observed decline in Sebacic acid levels is thought to be associated with an upregulation of Sebacic acid's consumption within the liver tissue. This suggests that the liver is utilizing Sebacic acid at a higher rate in older individuals. The reasons for this upregulation are still under investigation, but it could be a compensatory response to changes in liver metabolism associated with aging.

Increase in Pyruvate-to-Lactate Conversion: Interestingly, the increase in Sebacic acid consumption within the liver tissue is accompanied by an increase in pyruvate-to-lactate conversion. Pyruvate is a key molecule involved in energy metabolism, and its conversion to lactate is typically associated with anaerobic conditions or increased glycolytic activity. The concurrent increase in lactate production and decrease in Sebacic acid levels may indicate a shift in liver metabolism towards glycolysis, which is a less efficient pathway for energy production.

Implications for Aging and Liver Health: The decline in Sebacic acid levels and the alteration in liver metabolism observed in aging humans and mice have significant implications for understanding the aging process and liver health. The liver plays a crucial role in various metabolic pathways, including detoxification, energy metabolism, and the synthesis of essential molecules. Changes in liver metabolism during aging can lead to metabolic imbalances and contribute to age-related liver diseases.

By elucidating the mechanisms underlying the decline in Sebacic acid levels and the upregulation of Sebacic acid consumption in the liver, researchers may uncover new targets for interventions to maintain liver health during aging. Understanding how these metabolic changes occur could also provide insights into the broader aging process and potentially guide the development of therapeutic strategies to mitigate age-related metabolic dysfunctions.

Conclusion: The decline in Sebacic acid levels in aging humans and mice, coupled with an upregulation of Sebacic acid consumption within the liver tissue, indicates significant alterations in liver metabolism during the aging process. These changes coincide with an increase in pyruvate-to-lactate conversion, suggesting a shift towards less efficient energy production pathways. Further research is needed to fully understand the implications of these metabolic changes and their impact on liver health during aging. This knowledge may lead to the development of interventions to maintain liver function and potentially influence the broader processes of aging and age-related diseases.